Ocean Hackathon®: data, an event and an international community

Ocean Hackathon® 2023 is an Ocean Decade activity.

Ocean Hackathon® is a non-stop, 48-hour friendly competition in favour of ocean preservation. Multidisciplinary teams are given broad access to marine databases. They also get support from an outstanding team of tutors.

A call for challenges is launched a few months before the event to identify projects on which the teams will compete in each of the participating towns and cities. The event weekend culminates in the selection of the top team, who will compete at the Grand Finale in Brest, France in December 2023 and may win one of the prizes donated by our Ocean Hackathon® Ambassadors.

Since it was first launched in 2016, Ocean Hackathon® has brought together a new community around the ocean and digital environments. Originally based in Brest, it has now acquired a major international dimension.

Ocean Hackathon® is an initiative by Campus mondial de la mer which encourages sharing, the use of new digital technologies and an entrepreneurial spirit. The resulting projects enhance the value of marine and maritime data, often by repurposing it. Data providers focus their efforts on improving data accessibility and comprehension and are involved in coaching participants throughout the event.

Ocean Hackathon is a FUN event! You will meet amazing people and enjoy an incomparable weekend