OHKL 2023 will be held from November 17th to 19th, 2023 at the LFKL – French School Kuala Lumpur.

OHKLK 2023 is planned as an in-person event, allowing participants to collaborate on-site. However, please stay updated on event announcements in case there are changes due to unforeseen circumstances.

To register for the event, visit our registration page on our website. Follow the instructions and provide the required information to complete your registration.

The registration deadline for OHKL 2023 is10 November 2023. But spots are limited, so we strongly suggest you don’t wait until the last minute.

There is a registration fee of 65RM to cover part of the event expenses and prevent no-shows. Please refer to our registration page for detailed information about fees and payment methods.

Challenges are selected through a call for challenges that is typically launched a few months before the event. Anyone can propose a challenge related to marine and maritime data. The selected challenges serve as the basis for team projects during the event.

Absolutely! We encourage participants to propose challenges that align with the event's goals. Watch for announcements regarding the call for challenges to submit your idea.

You can participate as an individual. Teams can also be formed on-site during the event.

OHKL is open to EVERYONE! We encourage the participation of students, entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals from a large variety of areas, including ICT, engineering, robotics, marine sciences, tourism, arts, social sciences, aquaculture, communication, fisheries, citizen science, diving, etc.

No, you don’t! The event welcomes participants from diverse backgrounds and encourages collaboration among individuals with various skills and expertise.

Yes, the winning team of OHKL will have the opportunity to travel to France and compete at the Grand Finale in Brest, France, in December 2023.